All over the country, states have been loosening marijuana restrictions. Many let people use medical marijuana. Some have started allowing recreational use, following some of the same basic principles as alcohol sales -- age limits, no driving under the influence,...
Is it illegal to borrow someone’s medication?
You want some painkillers, but you don't want to go through the hassle of going to the doctor to get a prescription. It's just a short-term issue and you really only plan to use them for a day or two. It doesn't seem worth it. One of your friends tells you that they...
Deployment stress leads to military drug use
There's no way around it: Getting deployed can be stressful. Soldiers have one of the most selfless, dangerous jobs in the world, and that can take a toll. Even when they're proud to put their life on the line to protect their country, they still have to face the...
How long do drugs show up in urine tests?
Urine tests are one of the most common ways to test for drugs. These tests are often used by employers and may also be used by the authorities. What you may be wondering, then, is how long the drugs are actually going to show up. The following is a rough guideline,...
Experts once thought opioids were not addictive
You may have heard of the opioid crisis, which revolves around drug addiction and often involves overdoses. At this point in 2020, it is clear that these drugs are addictive and many people who take them likely wish they could stop but have no ability to do so on...
Could I be arrested for my roommate’s drugs?
Many people wrongly assume that anyone arrested on drug charges must be guilty. After all, the police had evidence to arrest you, and the prosecutor made a case. How could it be that you are, indeed, not guilty of the charges against you? But there are multiple ways...
Could you run afoul of Georgia’s manufacturing drug laws?
When it comes to its drug laws, the state of Georgia doesn't play around. Drug laws are strict, and the penalties for convictions are severe. Unfortunately, it is entirely possible for an innocent person to get themselves into a situation where they get arrested for...
Is it legal to buy and use kratom in Georgia?
Georgia has never been a state known for its lax drug laws. The police are eager to arrest those they suspect of drug use, possession and sales, and the courts will prosecute defendants without question. The opiate problem hasn't spared our state, either. Many addicts...
Arrested on drug charges? Call us!
If you are facing charges for possessing prescription medication illegally, this is something to take very seriously. A conviction can have life-altering complications that can dog your steps for the rest of time. Even an arrest can be enough to derail a promising...
How to fight intent to distribute drug charge
If you are arrested and charged with a drug crime it is important that you understand your rights and protect yourself. A common drug charge levied in Hinesville, Georgia is that of possession with intent to distribute. Just like any other criminal charge, you should...