If you are facing charges for possessing prescription medication illegally, this is something to take very seriously. A conviction can have life-altering complications that can dog your steps for the rest of time.
Even an arrest can be enough to derail a promising career and slam the door on many opportunities for you. You may not even realize right now the chances that will be denied to you if you get arrested and convicted of a drug offense.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that since it wasn’t an illegal drug like crystal meth, heroin or cocaine that you won’t face strong censure and even imprisonment if convicted. The Georgia criminal courts treat all drug offenses very seriously. If the drugs that were allegedly found in your possession weren’t recently prescribed to you, you could potentially face felony charges depending on the amount and the circumstances.
We encourage all of our clients to work with us to craft a logical and strategic defense to the charges they face. In some situations, there may be mitigating circumstances that could lead to an acquittal or outright dismissal of the drug charges against you.
Perhaps the legal owner of the drugs dropped their prescription vial in your vehicle unknowingly. When the police found it during a routine traffic stop, you said with all honesty that the pills weren’t yours and you didn’t know how they got into your car or truck.
If you get arrested on drug possession charges, don’t answer questions or volunteer information to the police. By calling us at your first opportunity when you are in police custody, we can act quickly to obtain your release from jail and build a stalwart defense to the charges.