The experts who track roadway fatalities in our country seem to be as focused on gathering facts as the people who put baseball statistics together. Thanks to the information-gatherers, we now know which day of the week is safest for drivers, what time of day is the...
Charges for bringing drugs into Georgia
Even simple possession of drugs in Georgia can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, if you have been accused of bringing drugs into the state, you could face charges relating to drug trafficking, depending on the exact circumstances and the amount of drugs in your...
Fibromyalgia is commonly misdiagnosed
When you a diagnosed with a certain illness based upon the symptoms that you have been experiencing, it is likely that you will trust your doctor's judgment and that you won't question his or her judgment until you have good reason to think otherwise. However, doctors...
How breathalyzer results can be challenged
If you have been pulled over by a law enforcement official while driving, it is possible that they will have asked you to perform a breathalyzer test. These breathalyzer tests are executed to check a driver's sobriety while on the road. They are practical, portable...
Common plastic surgery errors
Plastic surgery is a type of procedure that has become increasingly common in recent years, and this means that while more people have been successful in achieving the physical appearance that they want, there has also been an increase in negative outcomes from...