A plastic surgeon who has appeared on the television show "The Doctors" as well as on the Discovery Channel, stands accused of having ordered several unnecessary surgeries at her Atlanta-area practice, Plastikos. In one of many lawsuits pending against her, a former...
Sjögren’s syndrome is commonly misdiagnosed
Many autoimmune diseases can take years to be correctly diagnosed. When there is a failure to diagnose a condition, it means that a patient suffers unnecessarily. Their condition can worsen significantly, because they are not getting the treatment that they...
Can I bring medical marijuana from another state to Georgia?
Marijuana tourism is rapidly increasing as more people are realizing the medical benefits of marijuana. As more states are legalizing both the medical and recreational uses of marijuana products, residents of other states take trips in order to receive the benefits of...
Defenses against Breathalyzer refusal
It's extremely common for a driver to get pulled over, perhaps for no particular reason at all, and be ordered to perform a Breathalyzer test. A Breathalyzer test consists of a device in which a person must blow into. The breath of a person is used as evidence and...
Are you concerned that your teen driver is a binge drinker?
Let us say that your son is going for his business degree at Georgia Southern. He has a car and commutes from home. You believe he is a responsible driver, but lately, you sense that he may have been drinking at times before driving home from campus. You know your son...