Having an addiction to drugs or alcohol is not easy to deal with in life. Addiction is a disease that many have trouble fixing. It can ruin lives in an instant, causing you to lose your job, your friends and even your loved ones. If you are aware that you have an...
Explaining Schedule 1 drugs
Schedule 1 drugs are defined as drugs that have no medical use and also have a high likelihood for abuse, according to the Federal government. Schedule 1 drugs are defined in the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), which is part of the Drug Abuse Prevention and Control...
Why you should never fight drug charges alone
If you are ever arrested for possession of a drug, possession with intent to distribute or any other drug charge; you should never fight these charges by yourself. Many people believe they can represent themselves in court, but it's too stressful of a situation to do...
Georgia follows national move to link overdoses to murder charges
There's an alarming trend in American jurisprudence today. Reactionary measures against the drug crisis that's been sweeping through large parts of the country have led prosecutors to see criminal intent behind every overdose death -- at least, whenever they can...
Abusing prescription drugs can result in legal consequences
When you think of crimes involving drugs, you may think of substances like heroin, cocaine or marijuana. However, prescription medications are commonly misused, too. Taking prescription drugs not prescribed to you or in a manner not instructed by your doctor is...
Risk factors for military drug use
Like civilians, members of the armed forces sometimes get caught up in the use of illegal drugs or the abuse of prescription drugs. This can lead to arrests, legal charges and the end of a promising career. Why does it happen? There are a few common risk factors that...
What is the legal status of kratom in Georgia?
Some people may have never heard anything about kratom. It's a by-product of an ancient tree (Mitragyna speciosa) that's indigenous to Southeast Asia. Its leaves have psychotropic effects for users that, among other things, can lessen their pain. Some hail its...
A pharmacy tech and medical assistant steal opioids in Hinesville
Several pharmacy workers in and around Savannah have been arrested and convicted for drug-related offenses in recent months. Many of them were arrested as part of law enforcement's efforts to round up those believed to be contributing to Georgia's ongoing problem with...
Does jail time actually address addiction?
The penalty for many drug crimes is simple: Time behind bars. You may also have to pay fines. After you serve your sentence, you're free to return to normal life, though you may now have a permanent criminal record that will follow you wherever you go. In short, drugs...
New to drug sentencing in Georgia?
Drugs are flowing through Georgia from Mexican cartels. The Drug Enforcement Administration has identified at least five cartels, far more than in most areas. Georgia's location is a hub for port entrance and distribution, along with land-based methamphetamine labs...