You're rolling down the road, minding your business when you look ahead and see flashing lights. You don't know what's happening at first, but soon come to realize you're heading straight for a DUI checkpoint. At that point, your hands begin to sweat and you wonder if...
Prescription DUI charges in Georgia
People who live a law-abiding lifestyle and would never consider getting behind the wheel after a single drink can be shocked to find themselves facing DUI charges. Many do not realize that taking a common, legally prescribed medication before driving can potentially...
Surgical and medical errors: Understand the risks you really face
Your doctor tells you, before you go in for surgery, that there are certain risks that go along with the procedure. You nod your head, thinking you understand. You've always been told that surgery is risky. But do you really know the type of risks that you face? Many...
How do police know if I’m driving under the influence of drugs?
While field sobriety tests can aid police in correctly determining if drivers are intoxicated from alcohol 90 percent of the time or more, these tests are only 30 percent successful in helping police identify who is behind the wheel while on a marijuana high. This may...
These common ailments are often misdiagnosed
If you begin to feel poorly, the very first thing you should think about is seeking medical attention. Even if you don't require it, it's better to be safe than sorry. While you hope your doctor will correctly diagnose your condition and provide the right treatment,...
A visit to the doctor can lead to drug charges and addiction
Many drug crimes are spurred by addiction; those who have never suffered from this disease tend to underestimate the impact that it has on a person's life. The sad part is that addiction can absolutely start with a trip to the doctor's office. The issue is that...