If you spend a lot of time on the road or drive for a living, you’ll no doubt have felt frustrated at how long it can take you to get where you need to be. There’s often congestion caused by construction work, the sheer volume of traffic and road closures following...
What are the top 3 reasons big rigs cause major crashes?
It only takes half a second to make the kind of mistake that causes a motor vehicle collision. Drivers need to pay attention at all times and constantly prioritize safety and situational awareness if they don't want to be at fault for a crash. According to collision...
What happens when loads aren’t secured correctly?
Truckers must ensure the loads they transport are secured properly. This is especially important for those who have cargo on flat or open trailers. Even when another party handles the loading of the trailer, the trucker should verify that it was done properly. There...
Why do trucks rear-end smaller vehicles?
One of the most devastating accidents you can be involved in is if your vehicle gets rear-ended by a semitruck. This often happens to people who are stuck in a traffic jam, sitting at a light or trying to maneuver their way through a work zone. The problem with these...
What is a safe driving distance around trucks?
It’s unlikely you can stay away from trucks entirely when driving, but route choice can help. Truckers prefer multi-lane highways and streets that connect easily to the places they need to deliver. By taking a route that is less direct or narrower you may be able to...
A load shift can cause a truck to go out of control
There are many potential risks when driving around large trucks, but safe truck drivers generally know how to reduce these risks. They keep proper following distances, they drive under the speed limit and things of this nature. However, there are some things that...
Protect yourself from jackknifing accidents
Many people across Georgia make their living as professional drivers. Large trucks and commercial vehicles provide vital goods and services to people both within the state and across the country. Generally, other than the occasional delay, truckers manage to reach...
Countering the danger of trucking blind spots
The larger a vehicle is, the more exaggerated its blind spots will be. Blind spots are basically areas around the vehicle that are obscured from the driver's sight. If another road user enters these spots, then the risk of a collision is increased significantly. ...
Two ways that trucks making wide turns increases risks
When you look at the back of most 18-wheelers, you will see a sign warning you that the truck makes very wide turns. This is an effort to prevent accidents, as most people have no experience driving a truck and may underestimate just how wide that turn has to be. This...
Does the three-second rule work for trucks?
For most drivers, the proper following distance is defined by the three-second rule. No matter how fast you're driving, as long as there are three seconds between your car and the car ahead of you, that is generally considered enough space for you to stop in time....