Whatever kind of surgery you need to have, there's always the possibility that something could go wrong. There's even a possibility that your surgeon will make a mistake. Here's the sobering reality: According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, there...
Is it possible to get your DUI dismissed?
If you are charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, there's nothing you can do about the past at this point. Instead, you must turn your attention to the future. Most importantly, focus on the steps you can take to get your DUI dismissed. Here are some of...
Abusing prescription drugs can result in legal consequences
When you think of crimes involving drugs, you may think of substances like heroin, cocaine or marijuana. However, prescription medications are commonly misused, too. Taking prescription drugs not prescribed to you or in a manner not instructed by your doctor is...
Ask these legal questions before scheduling surgery
If your doctor suggests surgery, you should strongly consider the benefits of this treatment plan. Regardless of the reason and intended outcome, it's important to have a clear idea of what you're getting into so that you can plan accordingly. Here are three important...
Commonly misdiagnosed conditions: Protect yourself
When you visit your doctor with a medical concern, you put your faith in this person. You hope that they'll do whatever it takes to diagnose your ailment, provide treatment and help you reach your former level of health. Unfortunately, a medical misdiagnosis can...
How often do doctors make diagnosis mistakes?
There are two main types of diagnosis mistakes. First, the doctor may miss the disease entirely. This is a missed diagnosis when the doctor overlooks something or even tells you that you're healthy when you're not. The second is a misdiagnosis when the doctor knows...
Georgia prosecutors can’t bring up failed Breathalyzer tests
Late in February, the Supreme Court of Georgia ruled that prosecutors can't say if a defendant has previously declined a Breathalyzer test when trying a drunk driving case. In the past few days, senators were supposed to discuss whether roadside breath tests should be...
It’s dangerous to trust a doctor’s first opinion
Throughout March, many individuals have been commemorating Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. One of those individuals is a 22-year-old Minneapolis woman. Her abdominal discomfort went misdiagnosed until doctors finally performed a colonoscopy on her. They found that...
Can you obtain security clearance with a DUI conviction?
Perhaps you are pursuing a job with the Internal Revenue Service, or you want to work for a government contractor. However, on your way home from a party, a law enforcement officer arrested you for driving under the influence of alcohol. Will a conviction prevent you...
Risk factors for military drug use
Like civilians, members of the armed forces sometimes get caught up in the use of illegal drugs or the abuse of prescription drugs. This can lead to arrests, legal charges and the end of a promising career. Why does it happen? There are a few common risk factors that...