You probably know that prisoners are pretty restricted when it comes to what types of items they’re allowed to have. It may seem unfair, particularly if your loved one is still legally presumed to be innocent and just waiting their day in court. Don’t let your heart...
Georgia law treats street racing much more harshly than speeding
Speeding and reckless driving under any conditions are dangerous. However, when drivers race each other or try to outperform each other, they put themselves and others at risk for catastrophic and potentially fatal injuries. Cities and states across the country have...
Do the police have the right to search your car?
If you’re stopped by the police and they ask to search your vehicle, do you have to let them? The answer is not as straightforward as you may believe. If the police pull you over and have probable cause to search your vehicle, they do not need your permission. If you...
Can traffic offenses land you in jail?
When you think about common traffic offenses like speeding or reckless driving, you probably don’t think about those actions leading to time in jail or prison. It’s not particularly common for a first traffic offense to lead to jail time or imprisonment in most cases,...
What should you know about bail?
People who are charged with a criminal action will sometimes be held in jail pending their court hearings. This is to ensure that the individual does attend the required court dates. The court sometimes sets bail for the person, so they can get out of jail while their...
When can police enter and search your home?
There are many ways that you can defend yourself against criminal charges. Asking the court to dismiss the charges because the police violated your rights or broke the law in their attempt to build a case against you is a somewhat common defense strategy. You have to...
Speeding, repercussions and points on your driver’s license
Some states do not use a point system as a penalty for traffic infractions, but in Georgia, point assessment applies to every kind of traffic ticket that law enforcement officers issue. You may think that the system is no big thing until you realize what may happen to...
Smuggling contraband into a prison is a serious offense
If you have a loved one who is sitting behind bars, you may be considering carrying some contraband into the jail or prison. Because incarceration is miserable, some outside comforts may help your friend or relative cope with serving a sentence. You must realize,...
How to assert your right to remain silent
The first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution confer a variety of rights on U.S citizens. While you probably know about your rights to speak freely, practice your religion and carry a firearm, you have also probably heard about your right to remain silent...
Does it really matter if you were Mirandized? Maybe not
Thanks to many crime shows and movies, many people in Hinesville believe they can avoid criminal convictions if the police do not read their Miranda rights during their arrests. The rights inform alleged offenders that their statements can become evidence against...