For most people going through a divorce, the gut reaction quite often is to leave the homes they share with their estranged spouses as soon as possible. And while the temptation may obviously be great and the justification sensible, it is important to understand that...
To get child support, can you deny custody?
Your ex-spouse was ordered to pay child support, but they almost never do it. It wasn't always this way. They did pay the child support to start, but it has been a couple of years since the divorce and they've essentially stopped paying you. You want to get your child...
Reckless driving leads to more than just a traffic ticket
People in Georgia typically don't think of traffic violations as serious offenses. Most law-breaking in a vehicle will at most results in a traffic stop, a ticket and a slightly higher insurance premium. While those consequences may be inconvenient or frustrating,...
Protect yourself from jackknifing accidents
Many people across Georgia make their living as professional drivers. Large trucks and commercial vehicles provide vital goods and services to people both within the state and across the country. Generally, other than the occasional delay, truckers manage to reach...
“Crossing the guard line” with contraband is a bad idea
You probably know that prisoners are pretty restricted when it comes to what types of items they’re allowed to have. It may seem unfair, particularly if your loved one is still legally presumed to be innocent and just waiting their day in court. Don’t let your heart...
Countering the danger of trucking blind spots
The larger a vehicle is, the more exaggerated its blind spots will be. Blind spots are basically areas around the vehicle that are obscured from the driver's sight. If another road user enters these spots, then the risk of a collision is increased significantly. ...
Two ways that trucks making wide turns increases risks
When you look at the back of most 18-wheelers, you will see a sign warning you that the truck makes very wide turns. This is an effort to prevent accidents, as most people have no experience driving a truck and may underestimate just how wide that turn has to be. This...
Considering how a move after divorce might impact children
When you get divorced, you may want to move out of the local area. You may currently be in a suburb of a small town or city, but that may not be where you want to be. You may love to be within the busy city itself or prefer to go to a more rural home. There are a few...
Making the most out of supervised visitation
If a court has mandated that your visits with your children be supervised by a third party, you may be angry and frustrated with the court, your co-parent and anyone who may have provided testimony or evidence against you. However, it’s crucial that you make the most...
Georgia law treats street racing much more harshly than speeding
Speeding and reckless driving under any conditions are dangerous. However, when drivers race each other or try to outperform each other, they put themselves and others at risk for catastrophic and potentially fatal injuries. Cities and states across the country have...