Especially in the hustle and bustle of urban traffic, small vehicle drivers often risk being involved in wide-turn truck accidents. These incidents, where a truck’s expansive turn radius can catch smaller vehicles off guard, pose a serious threat to road safety. If...
Does military law guide the division of servicemembers’ pensions?
Military service can provide someone with an opportunity to support their family. Unfortunately, the challenges associated with service may also undermine someone's relationships. Service members do sometimes decide to divorce or face a divorce filed by their spouses....
Some accident injuries can lead to substantial medical costs
As a victim, you know first-hand that truck accident injuries can devastate your physical well-being, independence and savings. Naturally, you may expect to recover what you need for medical care through your accident claim. Unfortunately, not all seriously injured...
Common hospital-acquired infections
When you check into the hospital you expect the medical team to make your condition better. Generally, this is precisely what happens. Unfortunately, there are occasions when things don’t go according to plan. Every year over 1 million patients are impacted by...
Doctors misdiagnose women’s heart attacks more often
Doctors are more likely to make the wrong diagnosis when a woman is having a heart attack than when a man is having one. This can be very problematic for women who are seeking emergency treatment. They may go to the doctor and be told to go home and rest. But this...
An adverse outcome doesn’t always mean malpractice
Negative outcomes do occur in the medical industry. Not every patient gets the results they are hoping for. Someone may get treated for cancer but still pass away from the disease, for example. A doctor may put in a stent after a heart attack, but the patient may have...
Why are jackknife accidents so dangerous?
In road safety, jackknife accidents stand out as one of the most dangerous scenarios. These incidents, characterized by a truck's trailer folding in on itself, can have catastrophic consequences. Analyzing the intricacies of jackknife accidents and exploring the...
Can you beat a breathalyzer?
When the police pull someone over on suspicion of drunk driving, it usually doesn’t take long for a breathalyzer device to come out. These small, hand-held machines can get a preliminary reading of a driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC) level, which often serves as...
When is it time to change a parenting schedule?
Parents who are divorced have custody rights. These rights can give parents the responsibility and obligations to decide how their children are raised, such as where they live, who attends their doctor appointments, if they have a religious upbringing and their...
The key elements of a medical malpractice case
A hospital visit or trip to the doctor are things that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. Even the healthiest of individuals could be involved in an accident that results in injuries. Or, they may contract an illness that the immune system cannot fight...