Family therapists and others predict a surge in separations and divorces in Georgia and across the country as stay-at-home restrictions are eased for the COVID-19 pandemic. Many couples whose marriages were already in jeopardy when the crisis began may have had no...
What are the restrictions on military medical malpractice claims?
For decades, federal law and court precedent have effectively prevented military service members from taking legal action against the government because of injuries that they suffered in the line of duty. Under the Feres Doctrine, injured soldiers and grieving...
Sharing custody of the children after divorce
When parents divorce, the court usually tries to ensure that both parents see the children at least some of the time following a divorce. This may mean an even split -- such as the classic every-other-week arrangement -- or it may not. But it will usually mean that,...
Tips for co-parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic
While new cases of COVID-19 continue to be reported in Georgia and across the country, everyone is adapting to a new, albeit hopefully temporary, way of life. While living during a pandemic is stressful for everyone, it can be extremely nerve-wracking for those who...
Going through a divorce? Your attorney can help
Going through a divorce, even if you’re the one who seeks it, can be challenging. You’re ending a long-term relationship into which you’ve invested likely a lot of time and money. It’s no surprise that this is one of the more difficult experiences you’ve had in your...
5 ways to stay safe when sharing the road with trucks
As a driver, you naturally want to keep your distance from trucks on the road. If you are involved in a truck accident, you will almost certainly come off worse, potentially suffering serious or even fatal injuries due to the sheer size and power of trucks. While many...
How could COVID-19 affect your divorce?
If you are considering filing for divorce in Georgia during the COVID-19 pandemic, there are several things to consider before making a final decision. Divorce can be complicated, with widespread legal, financial and personal ramifications. The pandemic has negatively...
What constitutes adultery in the eyes of the military?
If you are an active member of the United States military, your conduct is subject to different standards than those that the average citizen has to meet. Military obligations can influence your lifestyle and even put you at risk of punishment for behavior that...
What is the frequency rate of misdiagnosis incidents?
A misdiagnosis is a serious issue that delays treatment of a health problem, while possibly causing doctors to "treat" a condition that does not exist. This incorrect treatment, or a simple lack of treatment, can prove devastating for a patient. For instance, a...
Members of the military face additional consequences for a DUI
Police officers and prosecutors in Georgia are not shy about enforcing the state’s DUI laws. In fact, in 2019, there were nearly 20,000 DUI convictions in the Peach State. Accordingly, if you drive with a blood alcohol concentration over 0.08%, you have some chance of...