A misdiagnosis is a serious problem that people must address as quickly as possible. One thing that has become clear is that some diagnoses happen far too often. For instance, the diagnosis rate of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has increased over...
Has a Navy CO exercised NJP jurisdiction over you in error?
Any member of the armed forces can be subjected to nonjudicial punishment, or NJP. However, if you are in the Army, is a commanding officer in the Navy authorized to exercise jurisdiction over you? What it is Nonjudicial punishment refers to disciplinary measures that...
Opioid crisis results in warnings for illegal pharmacies online
Drug abuse is a significant problem across the United States, Hinesville included. One of the biggest issues in the U.S. is the opioid crisis. It started when medical providers issued too many prescriptions for opiates, and it continues now with thousands of people...
Surgical errors: Not always reversible
The fact about surgical errors is that they're not always reversible. While some patients end up back in surgery to reverse damage that was done, others have no option but to live with the mistakes that were made. Take, for example, a situation where a sponge is left...
You can accidentally set off your ignition interlock device
If you're arrested and face a DUI, you know that one possibility is that you'll need to use an ignition interlock device (IID) moving forward. This device is like a Breathalyzer, except that it's connected to your vehicle. If you blow into it and are over the legal...
Get help with your misdiagnosis case
A misdiagnosis could be welcome or unwelcome, depending on what was misdiagnosed, but there is one thing to keep in mind regardless: Your health as a patient was at risk. If you were improperly diagnosed as being healthy, you wouldn't be receiving the care you need....
Taking action after a wrong-site survey in Georgia
Surgeries, no matter how small, are serious occurrences because there is a lot of opportunity for error. Therefore, only extremely competent medical professionals should undertake them, and they should never treat any with complacency. As a patient, you are likely to...
Alcohol, speeding and the most dangerous times to drive
The experts who track roadway fatalities in our country seem to be as focused on gathering facts as the people who put baseball statistics together. Thanks to the information-gatherers, we now know which day of the week is safest for drivers, what time of day is the...
Charges for bringing drugs into Georgia
Even simple possession of drugs in Georgia can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, if you have been accused of bringing drugs into the state, you could face charges relating to drug trafficking, depending on the exact circumstances and the amount of drugs in your...
Fibromyalgia is commonly misdiagnosed
When you a diagnosed with a certain illness based upon the symptoms that you have been experiencing, it is likely that you will trust your doctor's judgment and that you won't question his or her judgment until you have good reason to think otherwise. However, doctors...