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How might you break the law without intending to?

On Behalf of | Nov 22, 2024 | Criminal Defense |

If you consider yourself a law-abiding citizen, you might need to think again. You, like most other people, have likely broken the law several times.

Here are some of the ways you might have done that:

Alcohol-related breaches

Alcohol causes many people to break the law. Many, many people had their first drink when it was still illegal to do so, and plenty of those people broke the law against underage drinking multiple times.As for driving after consuming too much alcohol, it is again a common error people make. They might not intend to. They might count their drinks to try and stay onside of the law. But the chances are they have got it wrong on at least one occasion.

Traffic violations

Can you put your hand on your heart and honestly say you have never committed a driving offense? That you have never drifted over the speed limit, or gone through a light or intersection you should have come to a halt at? Most drivers do something illegal occasionally, and many do so every day.

Breaching copyright protections

The law gives certain protections to people who create work, such as books, movies, music or photos. Yet breaches of those protections are commonplace. For instance, people stream sports or movies they’re not meant to, copy music from a friend rather than paying for it and grab photos from the web to use on their websites without appropriate permission.

Any of these things could theoretically land you in trouble with the police.  Much of the time, it won’t but it only takes one occasion to turn your life upside down. In a situation like that, experienced legal guidance can be invaluable.