If you begin to feel poorly, the very first thing you should think about is seeking medical attention. Even if you don't require it, it's better to be safe than sorry. While you hope your doctor will correctly diagnose your condition and provide the right treatment,...
Death of singer draws questions about medical care
There is always a risk of medical errors, no matter who you are. The widow of Chris Cornell is suing over his death. Cornell, best known as a member of the band Soundgarden, struggled with anxiety. He was also prone to addiction, according to his wife. She claims that...
A lack of evidence doesn’t always mean you’re not ill
Most people will deal with a misdiagnosis at one point or another during their lives. For example, someone who has blood work performed might end up diagnosed with anemia or another condition only to find out later that it was not an accurate test because they hadn't...
Misdiagnoses: Getting the right treatment matters for your health
Misdiagnoses often occur because of the similarities between illnesses. People who struggle with chest pain, for example, could have a heart problem, lung disease or even a back injury. It's up to a medical provider to narrow down the possibilities and determine the...
Why do misdiagnoses happen?
One of the most common reasons that doctors face medical malpractice lawsuits is because of misdiagnoses. A misdiagnosis can occur for many reasons, from a patient not giving the medical provider enough information to the medical provider failing to order the correct...
A common condition could be overdiagnosed, experts agree
A misdiagnosis is a serious problem that people must address as quickly as possible. One thing that has become clear is that some diagnoses happen far too often. For instance, the diagnosis rate of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has increased over...
Get help with your misdiagnosis case
A misdiagnosis could be welcome or unwelcome, depending on what was misdiagnosed, but there is one thing to keep in mind regardless: Your health as a patient was at risk. If you were improperly diagnosed as being healthy, you wouldn't be receiving the care you need....
Fibromyalgia is commonly misdiagnosed
When you a diagnosed with a certain illness based upon the symptoms that you have been experiencing, it is likely that you will trust your doctor's judgment and that you won't question his or her judgment until you have good reason to think otherwise. However, doctors...
Was your cancer diagnosis inaccurate or delayed?
Imagine this scenario — you've been diagnosed with cancer of the prostrate. You're lying on a gurney about to be wheeled into the operating room to have your prostate excised. The sedative is already flowing in your veins from the IV drip. Just before you are...
What can I do when my depression was misdiagnosed?
When you go to the emergency room or your doctor with a medical complaint, you should expect that your symptoms are taken seriously and given enough attention. You know what is right and what is normal for your body, so it is important that you are listened to. When...