The failure to diagnose a patient properly can be deadly. That is the worst-case scenario a doctor can face. Why? Failing to diagnose a patient with the proper illness or disease can turn deadly, especially if the issue is not found before it is too late. Today, we...
Common problems with medical informed consent forms
When you seek medical care, you put your trust in the knowledge and experience of doctors and other health care staff. However, that does not mean they can do whatever they want. Before offering you any treatment, they need to make sure you know your options. Many...
Why second and third opinions matter
Going to the doctor regularly can wind up saving your life. You might have routine tests conducted that find elevated blood pressure, elevated white blood cell count and other indicators of serious illnesses or diseases. But, not every doctor will diagnosis you...
What to do in the event of a cancer misdiagnosis
Cancer claims millions of lives every year. Unfortunately, many people don't receive a fast and accurate diagnosis, thus making it more difficult for them to successfully fight the disease. If you suspect a cancer misdiagnosis, it's important to take the following...
Commonly misdiagnosed conditions: Protect yourself
When you visit your doctor with a medical concern, you put your faith in this person. You hope that they'll do whatever it takes to diagnose your ailment, provide treatment and help you reach your former level of health. Unfortunately, a medical misdiagnosis can...
How often do doctors make diagnosis mistakes?
There are two main types of diagnosis mistakes. First, the doctor may miss the disease entirely. This is a missed diagnosis when the doctor overlooks something or even tells you that you're healthy when you're not. The second is a misdiagnosis when the doctor knows...
It’s dangerous to trust a doctor’s first opinion
Throughout March, many individuals have been commemorating Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. One of those individuals is a 22-year-old Minneapolis woman. Her abdominal discomfort went misdiagnosed until doctors finally performed a colonoscopy on her. They found that...
5 times getting a second medical opinion makes sense
Like most of your friends in the Hinesville area, you have tremendous respect for medical professionals. After all, doctors go to school for years to understand how to diagnose and treat illnesses. Some even complete prestigious internships or fellowships. Still,...
Signs of a misdiagnosis of your condition
Do you think that you were misdiagnosed by a Hinesville doctor? Do you think that your diagnosis should be more serious than it is? What if you were diagnosed, and the condition is actually less severe than originally thought? All of these issues with misdiagnosis...
How to minimize the risk of an emergency room error
When you visit a hospital emergency room for treatment, you expect to receive nothing but the best care. While the staff can only do so much in a short period, there's never an excuse for any mistake. Here are three of the most common errors that occur in emergency...